Best OOTO I’ve seen this summer

September 3, 2009

Hey There –Sernovitz

I’m on vacation until September 8.  Won’t be checking voicemail or

email, so …

If you need …




Andy  Sernovitz

Blog:  Damn, I Wish I’d Thought of That!

Book: Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking

GasPedal –
Social Media Business Council –
Northwestern’s Medill School – Faculty, teaching WOM

Potbelly’s Evanston Loves US

November 20, 2008

Turns out we are a key account for Potbelly’s in Evanston. They are right across the street from MotiveQuest World Headquarters and Tish makes a cookie run almost every afternoon. (Not to mention all the sandwiches!)

Yesterday Tish went over for a sandwich and they said “thank goodness you’re here – we just tried to deliver this box full of warm chocolate chip oatmeal cookies but we couldn’t figure out how to get up to your office” Tish came back to the office not only with her sandwich, but with a box full of warm cookies of the office.

They can count MotiveQuest as a Key Account for life!


The Ball Was Dropped!

May 23, 2008

Hmmm, seems like Royal Ccarbbean could have embraced this couple and really turned things around – made someone who is already a HUGE customer into an even more rabid fan. Why not hire her and make her the Director of Onboard Customer Experience? Opportunity missed!

Banned from Royal Caribbean for complaining too much

Companies have to learn how to act like human beings when these kinds of things happen. How about a public sorry and here’s your free cruise next time and we’ll make a commercial about you.

Try it, you’ll like it – and profit from it.